My dear Jesus,
I truly believe that you are ever present in the Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things and want you to be in my very soul.
Even though I cannot now receive you through Holy Communion,
I ask that you enter my heart spiritually.
Never let us be separated from each other. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ,
who by the gift of your Body and Blood,
are really present in our lives,
hear the prayers of the Church in Worcester.
Give us the faith of your Church,
confident in your presence in our Masses,
our tabernacles and our lives.
Give us the faith to offer our lives to you,
joined with the perfect sacrifice,
which you offered on the altar of the Cross.
Good and loving Shepherd,
teach us how to lead your children home,
that we might long together to glorify your name
at the Supper of the Lord.
For you are Lord, forever and ever.